An inspection of the Angel flare tip platform via an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) revealed defects in the flare tip, which could compromise production. A project was initiated to replace the flare tip as soon as possible using the Vertech V-Flare package for the implementation phase.

Angel Flare Tip Change
Vertech was engaged by Wood, who was the Woodside Energy EPC, to establish a methodology to establish access to the flare boom via Rope Access, to install a trolley, “A” frame and Gantry rail system capable of lifting the 5-tonne flare tip to be replaced 110 meters above sea level.
Project Summary
The challenge of establishing safe access to a facility flare boom to install a 14.5-tonne mobile platform and reeving the winch wire for the 40-t winch to haul the platform and flare tips was one that Vertech did not take lightly. The Vertech Project Management team works closely with the client for an emergent, production-critical scope. Vertech has established comprehensive methodologies to ensure the project can be undertaken safely. Vertech crews established initial access using rope and specialist access systems to install the flare boom trolleys.
Additional preparatory works were required for the travel path of the 40t winch wire, which were all conducted using rope access. The 40t winch wire was reeved through a sheave cluster at the top of the flare boom using a 2-tonne daughter winch. The winches were installed during the initial site set-up before the facility shut down.
Once the winch was function tested, the platform was hauled to the flare boom top some 80 metres. In its awkward orientation, the flare tip was required to be restrained during its removal lift to mitigate the unknown centre of gravity and control the load at all times. The riggers released lever hoists from tie-down points as the tip was lifted using a pneumatically operated 7-tonne chain hoist. Once stabilised on the transport cone, the entire trolley was disengaged from the flare tip platform and lowered to the boom base. Here, the old tip was removed, and the new tip was loaded. The trolley system was again hauled to the top to install the latest flare tip. Once complete, the trolley was lowered and disassembled to be backloaded to the beach. These works were delivered with a team of 9 over three weeks, consisting of the following skilled technicians:
- IRATA Rope Access Level 3 Supervisor
- X3 Rope Access Mechanical Fitters
- X4 Rope Access Rigger / Scaffolders
- X1 Rope Access Electrician / Advanced Rigger

- Quick install rollers to secure the trolley to flare boom guide rails
- The use of a capstan winch and Tyrolean combination to haul material and tooling to the flare tip
- Custom designed temporary access platform
- Custom securing mechanism to revert from suspended load to working platform
- Minimal equipment and manning footprint
- Multi-skilled, High mobility team.
- Project specific safe work method statements
- Project specific & back up Rescue Plans