Vertech is proud to have supported Beach Energy Australia’s recent ventures into using dedicated and specialised remote digital visual inspection (RDVI) services. Both major turnarounds required a detailed review of vessels and suitability and assessments of other areas of opportunity to help Beach reduce its overall confined space entry CSE.

Beach Energy Turnaround 2021 & 2022
A key aspect of the service provided to Beach was on-site delivery by highly experienced and trained RDVI technicians armed with the latest camera and crawler systems. The team delivered numerous additional scopes of work within the original budget, safely, and with high-quality and repeatable inspection data.
Remote Digital & Robotic Inspection Scopes

- CO2 absorber(s)
- Deethaniser
- Condensate MRU prefilter(s)
- Condensate Feed/Product Exchanger(s)
- Inlet Separator(s)
- Dehydration Inlet Separator(s)
- Regeneration Gas Separator(s)
- Low Temperature Separator(s)
- Flash Gas KO Drum Internal Inspection(s)
- LPG Storage Bullet(s)
If you’d like to learn more about our RDVI projects and how you can remove confined space entry while obtaining high-quality data sets, check out our RDVI page which details our range of capabilities and systems.
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