Vertech was awarded a contract to provide baseline class inspection services on two offshore floating facilities under construction in South Korea. Our class inspection package streamlined the hull and tank inspection and reporting process to align with the shipyard’s aggressive schedule and successfully deliver the hull and tank baseline inspection package for input into each facility RBI. A total of 253 tanks were inspected in a contraction shipyard environment without a single recordable incident.

Offshore Asset Construction Baseline

The Ichthys Project’s field life is 40 years. Baseline inspections following fabrication and ongoing inspections in Operations are designed to help meet this design life and ensure ongoing and efficient maintenance and inspection.
Baseline inspections are needed to identify the locations that will form the basis of the ongoing operational inspections. The further aim of the baseline inspection was to aid future inspection planning by collating information, such as areas that require additional access, for example, rope access, and to identify the time and resources needed to inspect the tank during Operations.
INPEX went out to Tender for this work and was awarded to Vertech. We worked collaboratively on setting up the Project Documents, including the Scope of Work, The Project Management Plan, and all the safety documents, such as procedures for heat stress and fitness for work. We were actively engaged in the HAZID. The outcome was a suite of documents and a process that could be followed throughout the Project.
Resources Required

To effectively deliver the baseline inspection of all marine structures and items covered under LR classification requirements, Vertech provided a highly experienced and dedicated team of nearly 40 inspectors and supporting staff to deliver desktop and site-based requirements in South Korea and during the tow to Australia. Non-destructive testing (NDT) personnel were required to be able to conduct Ultrasonic Testing (UT) to determine thickness by AS 2452.3-2005, Magnetic Particle Testing (MT) by AS 1171-1998 and Eddy Current Testing (EC) by AS 4544-2005.
- Senior Hull Tank Inspectors
- Hull Tank Inspectors
- NDT Technicians
- NDT Assistants
- IRATA Level 3 Rope Access Supervisors
- IRATA RA NDT Technicians
- Structural Engineer
- Senior Inspection Engineer
- Inspection Engineer
- Project Coordination
- Technical coordinators
- Graduate Engineers
- Naval Architects
Client Testimonial
“The Baseline Hull Inspection Project was very successful. Vertech dealt with the ever-changing schedule amazingly. They were able to scale the teams up and down as required and also to demobilise when we had to as no tanks could be supplied by the Shipyards. Their attention to safety was second to none and they won several safety awards during the time that they were doing the inspections. They identified issues and reported them to the facility Inspectors and aided in resolving these and were always very diplomatic in all relationships.
At the end of the Project, we had the reports for all the tanks which have been used to form the In-service inspection scopes of work, have been used to update the Hull Inspection Management Tool and Meridium. Vertech also prepared a register of HAZIDs for each tanks that identified any additional risks per tank for future reference.
I was very pleased with the work ethic, communication, and efficiency of Vertech during this Project. Vertech were always quick to identify any issues from their side and to react to any queries / changes that INPEX required. Since this successful project we have used Vertech as the Company of choice for our in-service inspections.”
Annamaria Greenwood
Senior Corrosion, Materials and Inspection Engineer