- Okha RTM 2024 Campaign
- Koolan Island Bridge: A Collaboration Success Story
- Parker Point Jetty – CVI & NDT Inspection Campaign
- i-COT – Successful mapping condition of FPSO crude oil/water ballast shared boundaries
- NRA Guy Wire Replacement
- 3D Jetty Inspection using aerial and ground-based Photogrammetry
- Moomba to Cross Border CCS Pipeline
- CPF Riser Protection Netting
- Ichthys Venturer FPSO Flare Tip Replacement
- LNG Core Pressure Equipment Inspection
- Tank Inspection IOR – Eromanga, Far West QLD
- Koolan Island Helicopter Meshing Campaign
- Shutdown Inspections Townsville, QLD
- Tank Inspection Zinc Refinery Townsville, QLD
- Gladstone LNG Jetty Tension Netting
- Ichthys Venturer FPSO ROV UWILD
- DSL Jetty Alternative Access
- Conductor Integrity Tension Netting
- Beach Energy Turnaround 2021 & 2022
- INPEX Ichthys 2021 Turnaround Planning & Executions
- UAV Cargo Tank Inspection
- ILNG, CPF & FPSO Turnaround & Shutdown
- Santos GLNG 2019 & 2021 SD
- Barossa & Scarborough Feed Reviews
- NRC HP & LP Flare Tip Change
- Marine Loading Arm (MLA) Maintenance & Replacement
- Woodside Barrup Peninsula TA
- GWA Flare Tip Change
- Diamond Fleet Inspections
- ICHTHYS Gas Field Development
- FPSO Integrity & NDT
- OKHA, NGA, NY & NE Shutdowns
- Pluto Flare Maintenance
- Angel Flare Tip Change
- Beach Energy Otway 2020 Turnaround Planning & Execution
- Cooper Basin Pipelines
- Ballera – South West QLD
- Offshore Drilling – SEMI SUB Management
- FPSO & Platform Crane Inspection
- ROV Ballast Tank Inspection
- HTHA Shutdown
- Offshore Asset Construction Baseline
- Marine Piping, Fabric & Maintenance
- RTM Decommissioning
- Hydrocarbon Atmosphere Inspections
- Gladstone LNG Shutdown
- GWA Derrick Decommissioning
- GWA Flare Structure Remediation
- CPF & FSPO Inspection
- INPEX LNG Plant Construction & Support
- KGP Shutdown
- KGP LNG Berth 1 & 3 Inspection Campaigns
- Special Survey No. 8
- Pilbara Port Corrosion Mapping
- Pluto LNG Baseline Inspection
- Woodside FPSO Fleet Inspections
- North Rankin Derrick Decommissioning
- RTM Life Extension Project
- Nganhurra FPSO Disconnect
- NE FPSO Decommissioning Planning
- GWA Turnaround
- GLNG Turnaround
- Chevril Platform Decommissioning
- Offshore Crane Integrity
- LNG Inspection & Management
- Gorgon & Wheatstone LNG Plant Construction
- USA LNG Flare Build